How To: Halloween Makeup & Lash Extensions | London Lash



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  • October 25, 2023 5 min read

    Halloween Makeup Tips for Clients with Lash Extensions

    As Halloween approaches ever closer, many of your clients may have pre-planned their costumes and eyelash extensions. You may be experiencing a busy period of customers who are seeking the latest and spookiest lash extensions to match their eccentric Halloween looks. And while your schedule may feel super tight with an influx of appointments, it is important to advise your clients accordingly when it comes to applying makeup around their new fluffy eyelashes, but also as importantly, how to remove the makeup at the end of the night. These aftercare tips are to make sure your clients’ lashes stay put, don’t cause any damage or retention issues.

    Glam Makeup

    For our first tip, let’s take it easy. Some clients may be more inclined to create a glamorous makeup look instead of something gory or scary. This would entail using eyeshadows, liners, glitter and foundation. While a glam makeup look is not so different from an ‘everyday’ makeup look as the client will be using the same products, it is important to note when it comes to Halloween the client may wish to go heavy. Therefore, more powders, more glitters, more product. This can create buildup of eyeshadow or glitter dust on the eyelash extensions. It is important to advise the client to try to apply their makeup with a light touch as to avoid any fallout on their lash line if possible. They should avoid oil based and waterproof mascara or eyeliners, this is because waterproof makeup will be very difficult to remove and may need force around the lash extensions, which we do not recommend as it can cause premature shedding and worse, plucking of the natural lashes. 

    Glam With Halloween Look

    To remove this makeup, clients should use micellar water which is not oil based and therefore will be gentle around the lash extensions. Using a cotton pad and some micellar water, the clients should remove the eyeshadow and other makeup with a gentle motion. To get rid of all other residues including any oil based products around the eyes, Lash Shampoo with a gentle Cleansing Brush will be the best thorough aftercare recommendation. If your clients are considering a glam look, why not pair it with one of our exclusive Halloween Villain lash maps which you can check here.

    Face Paint 

    Some clients may go all out when it comes to makeup and include face paints in their looks. This can include anything from subtle to dramatic. It is worth noting to your clients that face paints are mostly oil based, even when purchasing organic or natural face paints, they will include natural oils such as jojoba oil or shea butter. While oils are not the biggest criminal when it comes to poor lash retention, in rare cases they can affect the glue bonds. But ultimately, a lot of face paints can get stuck in the glue bonds creating a clumpy and hard to remove look. The client may feel obliged to scrub harder to get all the makeup and dirt that has accumulated. This can cause lash damage and of course premature shedding of the eyelash extensions.

    Glitter and Shadow Clown Halloween Makeup

    A great way to incorporate oil based face paints is to try and avoid the eye area all together. If the look needs a certain amount of colour around the eyes, they can opt for eyeshadows, which will be much easier to remove, and continue with face paint on the rest of the face. To remove face paint, the client should simply use a makeup remover, which again should be oil free, micellar water works just as well here. Gentle motions and a cotton pad followed by Lash Shampoo is again, the perfect aftercare advice, but, if the lashes are covered in face paint, the client should be more thorough and they should be aware that the process may take longer so they should not rush or scrub harder.

    SFX Makeup

    This is for the creative clients who may incorporate special effects makeup to their Halloween costume. Whether that’s using liquid latex, pre-made prosthetics or fake blood (or all at the same time) these products should be avoided around the eyelashes. It goes without saying that once liquid latex dries, it is very difficult to remove if it comes into contact with hair, while it may be extremely rare that a client will intentionally place any liquid latex or other forms of makeup around their lashes, a slip of the hand is all it takes to create contact. Therefore, if any prosthetics which require liquid latex or spirit gum adhesives are used this Halloween, advise your clients to alter their look ever so slightly to avoid any accidental contact around their lashes.

    Woodland Halloween Witch Makeup

    Removing this type of SFX makeup requires specific removers, some which are alcohol based to break down any glue or latex. Therefore these removers should be avoided around the lashes as alcohol is very drying. If you have used Superbonder on your client, this product adds elasticity to the glue bonds which promotes long lasting retention and any accidental contact with alcohol can dry out the glue bonds and lashes making them brittle and therefore it can cause premature shedding or breakage. With SFX makeup, clients should place their special effects as far away from the eyes as possible for best protection.

    Effective But Minimalistic Looks

    A great suggestion from London Lash is to avoid heavy makeup and excessive removal all together. While it is not impossible for clients to achieve amazing looks and remove the makeup correctly, some may feel too tired or even inebriated at the end of a long party and miss out on most of your advice. So what is some of the best and most effective makeup a client can create while also protecting their lashes?

    In the image below you can see a great example of subtle glam makeup with the focus of the costume and effects being around the lips. Making the mouth area the focal point of special effects, lipstick, fake blood or glitter, is a great and safe way to avoid the eyelash extensions. Your client can use oil free mascara or liner to create a soft glam look on top, but the main focus will be around their lips. Great ideas for this type of makeup would be a Mummy, Vampire, Skeleton with Teeth or Marionette Doll. 

    Subtle Glam Mummy Halloween Makeup

    On the other hand, if your client is interested in short term glam lashes to go with their costume but be removed just after Halloween why not consider Glitter Lashes? We have a full post dedicated to creating glitter lashes here. All you need to do is advise your client to return after their Halloween party so you can remove the lashes safely using Cream Remover and avoid any accidental glitter related injuries. 

    For great tips and tricks on removing makeup and applying skin care after a strenuous Halloween weekend, take a look at this blog post.