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  • So Henna

  • January 19, 2024 5 min read

    Glue Accessories - Which One Should You Use?

    Lash Artists are aware of the importance of looking after their Lash Glue, and as we prioritise education at London Lash we have created a comprehensive guide with our Lash Glue Ebook for those who need that extra boost in education. When it comes to lashing though, there is a lot of advice out there on what accessories you need for your glue. Some suggest a Jade Stone while others recommend Sunflower Cups, but something which has been prevalent in the Lash Industry which we just don’t seem to be able to shake is that Glue Rings are an accessory that is suggested to Lash Techs, when they’re not a very safe option for you or your clients. Let’s discuss the three main products out there for eyelash glue so you can make an informed choice.

    Glue Rings

    Glue Rings are simply a plastic ring which goes around your finger to store eyelash adhesive. They’re marketed as a convenient way to dip into your glue while lashing, and yes, while your glue may be literally at your fingertips allowing you to have it close while lashing, it’s one of the more dangerous practises for Lash Artists and their clients.

    Picture this, your hands are working quickly, moving from station to station, you pick up your tweezers to isolate with one hand and you pick up a lash with a pair of tweezers in the other, moving constantly from lashes to glue. This entire time you have a glue ring on one of your fingers which warms up from your body heat, you go to dip into the glue, picking excessive amounts and having to scrape some off to avoid stickies on the lashes. Glue rings do not keep your glue as fresh meaning that you’ll end up using more than needed. Furthermore, your hand must be perfectly placed to achieve precise isolation while also keeping it steady so you can keep the glue inside the ring, dip and place the extension. This can become extremely stressful, making sure the glue is contained while also keeping the lashes isolated and then placing the lash perfectly. Any accidental nudges into your hand can cause spills which are dangerous.

    The Dangers of Using Glue Rings for Lash Extensions

    Glue freshness aside, glue rings can be dangerous too. As a Lash Tech, you’ll be no stranger to the fumes that lash glue emits. You’ll also be aware that these fumes are not great for our, or your client’s respiratory systems, so having the glue so close to your airways and to your clients’ airways when using a glue ring isn’t ideal. 

    Additionally, as your hand moves around to work and lash, the dangers of potential glue spills are high. Countless times Lash Techs have told stories of spilling glue all over their hands, Lash Pillows or Bed, and worst of all, on their clients. Not only is glue a nightmare to get out of your clothes and hair, this is extremely dangerous. Lash Glue shouldn’t come into contact with the skin, and as your hands are so close to your client’s hair, face and eyes, the dangers of spilling any on them is extremely high. If you’re currently using a glue ring, we strongly encourage you to reconsider!


    Picking an alternative to a Glue Ring isn’t a tough decision – A Jade or Agate Glue Stone is the perfect alternative. A glue stone will keep your lash glue cool, helping it to stay fresher for longer, making sure it works how you expect it to. 

    Furthermore, unlike glue rings which are single use plastics, glue stones can be used an infinite number of times, all you need is a Sticker for your stone which goes on top, and once you’re done lashing, simply dispose of the sticker and replace. Not only is this hygienic but it’s also more eco-friendly than using single use plastics session after session. 

    Agate Stone for Eyelash Extensions Glue

    Another benefit to using a glue stone is that you use much less glue compared to using a glue ring. While you do need to dispense a new drop of glue every 10-20 minutes throughout the treatment, you have a much more controlled way of dispensing your glue, which doesn't suck excess air back into the bottle and which forms a natural dome for easy dipping. 

    A further added bonus is that a glue stone has a completely flat surface, meaning you can place it close to you with the comfort of knowing that a single dot of adhesive won't cause huge spills, skin contact or dangers of excessive lash glue fumes in case you accidentally knock into it gently, whereas with a glue ring, even a gentle knock can cause huge accidents. The other bonus of that flat surface is that you are better able to control your dipping, which means that you’ll have far fewer issues with using too much adhesive.

    Jade Stone for Eyelash Glue

    Now let’s discuss another alternative. The Sunflower Glue Cups, and yes, you may be thinking how is a cup any different from a ring? Well, let us explain. These glue cups are not for long term use – they’re specially created for educational purposes. Once you become super comfortable with your glue and dipping techniques, you can move on to a stone and never look back.

    As a beginner you may be worried that your glue is drying out too quickly or that you’re not dipping in it correctly, our Sunflower Glue Cups are perfect for beginners to get acquainted with Lash Glue. But, they’re specifically beneficial for beginners getting into Volume Lashes and struggling to keep their fans even and unsplit. Volume lashes require practice, patience and of course investment, so to make sure you’re doing your best, saving money on glue and time, it is always a great idea to make the smaller steps easy. The little ridges, aptly named ‘sunflowers’ due to their petal shapes, help to keep the base of a lash fan closed and remove excess adhesive. Check out our video guide below.

    • TOP TIP: if you’re swiping off excess lash glue, be mindful that the glue will begin to polymerise. This is fine if you’re just practising making and placing volume fans, but if you’re going to be applying these lashes to a client’s lashes, you are likely to see your lash retention suffer if you are routinely swiping off excess glue.

    Furthermore, with the Sunflower Cups, you don’t need to hold it in your hand or wear it as a ring, which helps to prevent danger to yourself or your client. Simply place it on a flat surface – such as a lash palette – close to you and work as you would if it was a glue stone by making sure you avoid any spills or dangers. With split compartments, you can also make sure you’re not using too much glue, and therefore you’re saving product and avoiding accidents with excessive glue. While these are single use plastic products, you can always use the opposite compartment and double up the use if you had left it empty.