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  • So Henna

  • January 25, 2024 4 min read

    Considering a Niche As a Lash Artist

    Today we want to discuss the topic of Lash Artists who specialise in a specific niche of lash extensions. You may find this topic interesting due to the fact that we discuss the importance of education and bettering your skills as a well rounded Lash Tech, so you may be wondering why having a niche would be important? Well, it’s absolutely not for everyone, and not everyone should have a niche and speciality if they enjoy the more well rounded approach to extensions, but some Techs are comfortable with one area of lashing and they perfect it to the point of being the go-to person. This is why, no matter what you choose to pursue as a Lash Artist, a well rounded approach or a niche, you can make it a success.

    Lash Technician Finishing Eyelash Extensions Set

    What is a Niche in Lashing?

    To have a niche in lashing you must first have the skills as a Lash Tech who knows how to perform any task at hand. This is why we always encourage education. In fact, we have written a full in depth blog post on ‘Why It’s Important to Continue Your Education’, which you can read following the link. Being well versed will help you in tough situations and the odd client who may come in for something obscure which you may not have done in a long time, but it means you won’t have to turn the client away, or give them a set that isn’t perfect. Furthermore, knowing the ins and outs of Pretreatment, the proper use of your tools and, of course, the pros and cons of the Lash Glue you are using, will all help you as a Lash Tech, but that comes with patience, experience and education.

    To have a niche in lashing means that you will specialise in a particular type of lash extensions. That can be anything from Classic Lashes, Volume Lashes, Mega Volume Lashes, Hybrid Lashes, Coloured Lashes or even Glitter Lashes, to name just a few, or it can be one specific lash mapping style, like Angel Lashes or Manga Lashes. These examples perfectly reflect the previous point. To be good at Hybrid Lashes you must know both Classic and Volume lashing techniques. To be good at Volume or Mega Volume Lashes you first have to be qualified to perform Classic Lashes. To become the best at a particular mapping style, you need to have an in-depth knowledge of how to make that set work for clients with all different eye shapes and different preferences. So having your education stop after a certain level is unnecessary and it will in fact hinder you in the process of becoming a great Lash Tech.

    Lash Artist Applying Nano Hydrogel Eyepatches for Lash Extensions

    Why is a Niche a Good Idea?

    Again, this path of a Lash Tech’s career may not be for everyone. Some people love doing different lash sets on a daily basis, a  ‘whatever comes through their doors’  type of excitement. While other Lash Artists want to perfect one technique they love most and become truly great at it to the point that they may become known on social media, in their local scene or even at lash extensions competitions as the person to go to for that particular style or technique of eyelash extensions.

    As mentioned above, eyelash extensions competitions are a huge part of networking in the lash world. Being skilled in one area of extensions can bring notoriety and exposure along with prizes and awards. Competitions are an amazing opportunity to showcase your skills, network and be recognised for exceptional performance in one area of lashing.

    Being recognised as the go-to Lash Tech for a specific niche can mean that you’ll be booked up by countless clients who are aware of or have discovered your skills. More often than not, clients will look up local lash artistry, and with the power of search engines being well known for a technique you can provide locally to your clients means that you will be a consistent top result for those searches. The more recognition, clients and reviews, the more potential clients will consider booking you based on your exceptional performance.

    The Cons of Having a Niche

    While there aren't many cons to having a niche in lashing, let’s discuss some things that it’s important to consider. One of the biggest things Lash Techs falter in, is potentially forgetting that the lashing world is ever evolving and expanding. Being stuck in one style, trend or technique can mean that you’re completely losing out on what’s new and current, and therefore, losing out on potential clients.

    Knowing that education is important, learning about new products on the market, new lash trends or styles, can be the difference between moving with the times or being left behind. In fact, what’s great about being well rounded, before you step into a niche, will mean that you can adapt current trends and styles to fit your niche by putting your own twist on things. This can mean that not only will you keep up with trends and lash styles, but you’ll be providing exceptional service with your own unique touch.

    Furthermore, if you’re in your own lane using products you’ve used for years, you may be missing out on a world of easier and faster lashing. For example, Premade Fans or Easy Fanning Lashes can be perfect for a Lash Artist specialising in volume. Lash trends such as Kim K and Manga Lashes have inspired us at London Lash to develop our special range of Premade Lash Spikes, which wouldn’t have been possible without new and innovative trends and techniques. For Lash Techs specialising in a particular niche, it’s always important to know the development in the lash world which can ultimately benefit your lashing, speed, process and service. Not only will your clients be even more thrilled by the results, but you could be reducing the time of your treatments, which means fitting in more appointments.

    Application of Eyelash Extensions on Model

    We hope you learned a little more about having a niche in the lash industry. Some Lash Artists make a career out of perfecting their skills to be the best in their field and if you choose this path for you, make sure to remember never to let your education slip, and always keep up to date with advice, tips, trends and products which will inspire and improve your process.