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  • February 17, 2023 4 min read

    Educating Your Clients Before Getting Eyelash Extensions 

    It's always important to know the answers for when your lash extensions clients have questions. No matter your experience, if you've been lashing for a few days, weeks, months or years, you're always sure to have been asked a lot of different questions about the procedure. Sometimes, you may be unsure or simply do not have the answers at the time. We are here to round up some of the most common questions being asked by clients at this moment, so you'll be able to answer and educate your clients without any issue.

    What Are Individual Lash Extensions?

    Individual eyelash extensions are faux synthetic hairs which are applies to individual natural eyelashes, one by one. Our London Lash Eyelash Extensions collection is completely vegan and hypoallergenic. These individual extensions can enhance the look of the client's eyes by thickening and / or lengthening the appearance of their natural lashes. Adding a curl creates an even bolder effect to the lash set. Depending on what kind of look the client desires, we have a wide range of lash extensions ranging in thickness, length, curl and shine.

    eyelash extension procedure isolating lashes for lash extensions

    What Should You Know Before Getting Eyelash Extensions?

    Lash extensions are semi-permanent, this means that they won't come off after a few days, but they also won't last forever. There are many factors which can affect the retention time of lash extensions, but one of the most noticeable (and worrying for clients) is lash shedding. This is completely natural. Our natural lashes have a hair growth cycle which is shorter to other hairs on our body, simply put, the natural lash will fall out at the end of its natural growth cycle, taking the extension with it. You can read more about Lash Shedding in this blog post here.

    Because of natural lash shedding, clients will need infill sessions to have their lash extensions reapplied and fill in any gaps where the natural lashes have fallen out and new ones have grown in. This process should be done around every three weeks or so. For quicker infill sessions we advise using Premade Fans which are quick and easy to apply filling out any gaps in no time.

    Mayfair Premade Fans for Lash Extensions

    One thing to keep in mind is that occasionally, a client may experience an allergic reaction to the Eyelash Glue - this is rare and can happen to clients who have had numerous lash extension treatments over a period of years. The fumes from Lash Glue can build up in our bodies, creating accumulative resistance from our immune system which will result in an allergic reaction. Read about allergic reactions to Lash Extensions here.

    What is the Duration of Eyelash Extensions? 

    Individual eyelash extensions can last for weeks, sometimes even a month depending on the natural lashes hair growth cycle. This is why it is important to have regular infill sessions if the client desires a consistent lash extension look.

    Another thing to consider is that your client may want to have their lash extensions removed at any time, therefore they don't need to wait for the lash extensions to last until they fall out naturally. As a Lash Tech you can offer a professional removal service using Cream Glue Remover or Gel Remover for Lash Glues. This removal process is swift, easy and gentle.

    Gel Remover for Lash Glue and Eyelash Extensions

    What is the Damage After Eyelash Extensions?

    If eyelash extensions are applied correctly and precisely, there shouldn't be any damage done to the natural lashes. Removing lash extensions after wearing them for a long time, clients may notice the natural lashes are a little flatter than before - but, they will soon go back to normal.

    It's always worth noting, eyelash extension can cause damage if they're not applied with proper care. The most common way that natural lashes are damaged is through poor isolation and the Lash Artist not checking for stickies after the treatment. You can read about Stickies in this blog post here. Simply put, poor isolation of the lash extensions can result in individual lashes next to one another becoming stuck together. This can be damaging as one lash growing out faster than the one it is stuck to, pulling it as it grows causing damage and not to mention it is uncomfortable. Make sure to invest in a good pair of Isolation Tweezers and always spend a good 5 - 10 minutes after the treatment checking for any stickies before the glue has cured entirely or you choose to use Superbonder Sealant.

    What Should We Clean Our Lash Extensions With? 

    Care tips for clients are very simple. You should advise your clients to clean their lashes once a day using Foam Cleanser and a Cleansing Brush, a bundle which they can purchase through your salon. So why not offer your clients the Clean Duo Bundle to take home? Our Lash Shampoo has been formulated to clean the lashes and get rid of any makeup, dirt, oils and impurities. The Cleansing Brush is soft and yet thorough in getting into those hard to see places of the lashes. It's the best eyelash extensions aftercare your clients can leave with at the end of their treatment. Not only will it prolong the retention of their lash extensions but it will promote natural lash health and avoid any infections using the natural Tea Tree extracts in the formula.

    London Lash Foam Cleanser and Cleansing Brush Aftercare Duo

    Eyelash extensions are as popular as they are for good reason – they save you time on your beauty routine, they increase your confidence levels and they last longer than a lot of other beauty treatments with a very small amount of upkeep. It's well worth answering any questions your clients have about eyelash extensions, as it proves to them that you are someone with all the knowledge and skills to keep their lashes safe and healthy.