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  • December 23, 2022 3 min read

    Four Mistakes Advanced Lash Techs Make

    Some Lash Techs may believe that being in the lash game for a long time they know everything and are immune to making mistakes. This may be somewhat accurate for a lot of Lash Technicians, but some advanced techs are also prone to make bigger blunders that can be quite harmful.

    Mistake 1: Not Raising Prices

    Some Lash Artists understand the business side of raising prices, especially during difficult financial times. But others enjoy a consistent clientele of regulars for years on end. And while that is fantastic, after all satisfied clients are forever clients and our customers is why we exist, however, not raising rates on treatments can be extremely harmful to the growth of your business and sometimes this may lead to loss of money and investment.

    Why might a lash technician raise their treatment costs?

    The longer you lash, the more expensive products may get. Inflation and cost of living may be higher year on year, after all, it can be unpredictable. Because of this, prices must be raised. As products and business related bills get more expensive, so do your living expenses. Remember, eyelash extension procedures that are important for your clients will continue being important - they will be content to pay a little extra for the procedure they know and trust you with.

    London Lash Financial Advice for Lash Techs

    Mistake 2: Taking Just One Course

    London Lash invited everyone for every Lash Course, but not every lash course is for everyone, you are not obliged as a Lash Artist to enrol in every lash extension course out there. But, remaining up to date in the lash industry is important. As an every evolving world of products, techniques and styles our knowledge must evolve too. Catching up our abilities to the new products out there will save time and energy in the future.

    Clients are prone to visit Lash Techs with accreditation, which is why it is essential to take a course and be fully trained to perform the treatments you offer and know how to work with those tools and products used in said treatment. Simply watching a video tutorial is not the same as having a course tutor and model to practice and learn on.

    Mistake 3: Failure to Learn New Styles

    Related to the previous point, keeping up with trends is very important. You may start turning clients away if you're not offering the new and trending styles they've found on social media making rounds in the Lash world. It's easy to become set in your ways and while having a speciality is never a bad idea, being versatile and capable of catering to your clients will always serve you well. At London Lash, we are always on the look out for new trends, we love to educate our readers and clients on everything up and coming so they can be the first to offer it to their clients. Keeping up with the London Lash Blog will always be beneficial for you to find new Lash Maps, styles and guides on how to perform them.

    London Lash Glam Models for London Lash Pro Lash Extensions

    Mistake 4: Failing to Update Your Social Media/Website

    Having an up to date social media account in today's day and age is paramount. Unfortunately as much as some dislike social media or spending their time online instead of performing lash treatments, we understand. But promoting your skills and your business online is one of the fastest (and cheapest) ways to get your name out there. Find a gap in your schedule is the perfect time to post on social media. After all, if you've invested in lighting, such as Glamcor Beauty Salon Lighting, then use it to your advantage. A beautiful social media page promoting all those stunning lash sets will do wonders for your business and promote you to new and old clients. It will give you the opportunity to build a small community, answer questions and perhaps book in clients through direct messages. So having a social media account for your work is never a bad idea.