DIY VS Professional Eyelash Extensions | London Lash



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  • September 16, 2023 5 min read

    Why Clients Should Never Do Their Own Lash Extensions

    Over the past few years, we’ve seen an influx of queries from lash extension clients asking the question  “Can you do your own lash extensions at home?”  or simply  “How to do your own eyelash extensions?”  As you’ll know, these questions are rather worrying. The London Lash ethos has always been about education – we aim to be leaders in educating the lash industry about lash extension safety, practises and techniques. Unfortunately, there are always some people out there who believe they can do a better job than you, the professional Lash Tech, or who simply want to cut corners and save a few Euros. We are here to answer some very important questions on why DIY lash extensions can be extremely dangerous if performed by someone other than a qualified and certified Lash Artist.

    The Importance of Professional Lash Extension Training

    When delving into the world of eyelashes, a qualified Lash Technician will tell you that it has taken them years of learning and practising to perfect their application and techniques. The education of a Lash Tech never ends, in fact, a Lash Tech is always learning new techniques, styles and using new tools. You can read more about why it’s important to continue lash education here.

    Not only is the qualified Lash Artist skilled in application, but their training teaches them about the growth and health of natural eyelashes. This means that they know when a client’s lashes are healthy and suitable for lash extensions, which Lash Glue to use, if a client’s lashes are weak and should receive the more gentle Flat Lashes instead of regular Classic Lashes, and if there are any contraindications where a client should not have lash extensions (at that moment or at all). Read more about contraindications here. The knowledge a Lash Tech has is reflected in how they perform a consultation where they will ask about any allergies, contraindications, desired styles and assess the client’s eyes to discuss suitable lashes for the client’s eye shape. These are all factors beyond simply knowing how to apply lashes safely.

    Consulting With Clients Before Lash Extensions

    DIY Eyelash Extensions

    There are many online queries on how to do DIY lash extensions at home. The short answer is, this is a big ‘no no’. A potential client performing their own lash extensions simply cannot apply or even see close enough to attach individual eyelash extensions on their own lashes. Think about it in the common sense, how many times have people attempted to apply a false lash and struggled. You would think this process is pretty simple but lining up the false eyelash with the lash line can be difficult, and in this context the falsie is a full strip of lashes. Individual lash application requires even more precision and focus. Furthermore, the client would need to have one of their eyes closed to apply the extension. It’s a recipe for disaster.

    The Dangers of DIY Lashes

    Some of the things a lash lover attempting DIY lashes at home may not consider are the dangers of lash glue in untrained hands. During a lash extension procedure, the clients must always keep their eyes closed to reduce the risk of eyelash glue fumes irritating the eyes. A professional lash salon will have the correct ventilated set up, featuring a professional and specialised fan such as a Glamcor Flow to blow any fumes away from the client and Technician. If a client is attempting to place their own extensions at home, there is no guarantee that they will keep their eyes closed. In fact it is almost impossible as they will keep opening their eyes to take a new lash extension from the strip, dip it in the glue and then line up the extension with the natural lash, and then examine their results. This process is bound to irritate the eyes with the constant exposure to lash glue fumes. Lash extension glue is formulated to be stronger than regular false lash glue, which is how it is able to give us 4 - 6 weeks of retention. If a client irritates their eyes or even experiences an allergic reaction, it can be extremely dangerous. Needless to say, lash extension glue should never touch the client’s skin and a qualified Technician would know this and precisely apply the extensions 0.3 - 0.5 mm away from the client’s eyelid on the natural lash.

    Glamcor Flow London Lash Bed Set Up

    Another reason glue can be dangerous is due to stickies. This is where one or more lashes are stuck together. This can be due in part to poor isolation or the use of too much lash glue, but really, stickies are part and parcel of eyelash extensions simply due to the proximity of the lashes with one another. The difference when a professional Lash Tech has stickies in their work is that they will take the time to search for and separate them to keep the natural lashes safe. 

    Individual lashes should never be stuck together as the natural growth cycle of real eyelashes is different from lash to lash. This means that if the application is poor and stickies are present, one lash can be growing out sooner than the other while they’re stuck together causing a tugging and premature pulling of the eyelash which is not ready to grow out and shed, resulting in premature plucking and potential loss of the hair follicle, not to mention them being super uncomfortable. As we’ve mentioned, even skilled Lash Technicians experience stickies but they always spend up to 10 minutes at the end of the treatment to check for any issues and brush through the lashes to make sure there are no lashes stuck together.

    London Lash Stickies Diagram

    There are many dangers of DIY lash application, from Eyepatch placement, to using pointed Lash Tweezers, the careful process of isolating the lashes and application cannot be done by the person who wants extensions. It is simply far too dangerous and difficult for such a precise job with so many potential risks.

    Application and Removal from a Qualified Lash Artist

    A skilled and qualified Lash Artist knows the ins and outs of application. They are educated on the correct application, formulation of lash glue, health of the natural lashes and of course how to safely apply lashes with professional tools, which can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Without trying to scare lash enthusiasts, a Lash Tech is skilled and proficient in this process and they are trained in the safest practices so as to not cause damage or any issues when applying eyelash extensions. A lash enthusiast is not. It is worth noting that a Lash Technician is also skilled in removing eyelash extensions. The chemicals used in Glue Cream Remover or Gel Remover are far too dangerous for a client to use on themselves at home as a DIY lash removal effort. Read more about at home lash removal here. A Lash Tech knows the precise amounts of product to use when it comes to application or removal so that a safe procedure can be performed. No one wants to have any issues, especially with a delicate area such as the eyes which, if done wrong can affect not only the natural lash health but the client’s eyesight too. Always trust the knowledge and skills of a reputable Eyelash Technician for the ultimate lash set and the overall health of your eyelashes and eyesight.

    Gel Remover and Cream Remover for Eyelash Extension Glue

    TOP TIP 

    • If you are a beginner lash technician looking to expand your experience, never practise on yourself. Grab a professional lash extension Mannequin Head to practise along with the essential tools you’ll need: Lash Extensions, Lash Glue and a pair of Tweezers. You can find samples of our most popular items to get to know how to use each product and to find out what you like working with best.